Before you hire a contractor to install an epoxy coating on your beat up 50 year old light or heavy duty maunufacturing plant, food and beverage processing floor, hangar and aerospace facility, warehouse, distribution or loading docks, I would encourage you to consider resurfacing your floor with an epoxy or urethane mortar. Coatings are excellent in many commericla and industrial applications. However many facilities need a floor that offers superior heavy duty performance.
I’m talking about a cementitious mortar. This product is a heavy duty, textured, screed applied floor resurfacer. A mortar is essentially a new floor that is far superior to the original concrete surface. The original concrete may have been 5,000 PSI. Whereas a mortar is in the neighborhood or 11,000 PSI.
Both epoxy and urethane mortars are great products for industrial and manufacturing applications. Urethane is used in applications where you have thermal shock. Epoxy doesn’t withstand thermal shock whereas urethane mortar can withstand tempertures up to 240 degrees.
If you have any questions about resurfacing your commercial or industrial floor please call us at 615-414-3727 today.